Address Validation Services

What is NCOA Inactive Address File and Why is It Important?

There are many tools that you can use to help you grow your business. But one of the most useful might be the NCOA inactive address file. Let’s take a closer look at what this is and how you can leverage it to help your organization grow.

What Is The NCOA Inactive Address File?

The National Change of Address (NCOA) database is owned and maintained by Australia Post. This contains information about the names and addresses of those who have recently moved house. If they gave consent, their new address can be given to mailers with their name and old address. Furthermore, this database contains details of those who have passed away.

However, the inactive address file specifically refers to those who have moved house and haven’t given consent for Australia Post to release their new address. This allows you to flag them within your files, so you don’t send mail to the incorrect address.

How The NCOA Inactive Address Can Benefit You?

Now that we have a better idea of what the inactive address file is, let’s look at some of the ways your organization can benefit from this database.

Saving Money

It’s estimated that 14 percent of Australians have moved within the past 12 months. Unless you actively monitor these changes, you are likely sending mail to the wrong address. With postage costing over $1, this can prove to be a costly mistake.NCOA Inactive Address services will allow you to detect which people have moved, potentially saving you thousands in postage costs.

Saving Time

Sending items to the wrong mailing address can waste your team’s time. They will need to deal with things being returned to the sender. Furthermore, they will have to waste their time preparing and mailing items to customers who will never receive them.

More Effective Mail Campaign

Mail marketing remains one of the most effective ways to communicate with customers. It can be a good way of getting people’s attention and help your organization stand out. Because of this, direct mail campaigns are associated with a high Return on Investment (ROI). A good campaign can deliver ROI of 29 percent, which is higher than paid search results.

A simple way to boost your ROI even higher is by curating your mailing list. NCOA Inactive Address service lets you purge customers who have moved, reducing the costs associated with the campaign. This will make it easier for you to retain existing customers, which is more cost-effective than attracting new ones.

Finding Inactive Addresses Is Easy

Accessing the NCOA Inactive Address service is easy. All you need to do is provide Datawash with a file of your customer’s names and addresses. We can check this against the NCOA files on our portal. Within minutes, you will know which addresses are inactive, so you can update your database as often as you like. These changes are updated weekly.


Having an accurate set of customer records is vital for business owners. Thankfully, you can tap into the NCOA database to learn which of your customers have moved, ensuring your database is always up to date.

Address Validation Services

What is National Change of Address (NCOA) And Why is It Important?

If you are running a business, you want to be able to communicate effectively with your customers. Mail remains one of the most effective ways to do this, with a direct mail campaign able to get a 4.4 percent response rate, significantly higher than the 0.12 percent that email campaigns can generate.

However, verifying the correct mail addresses of customers can be difficult and time consuming. This is why the NCOA database comes in handy. Let’s take a closer look at NCOA address update and some of the ways it can help business owners.

What is NCOA?
National Change of Address (NCOA) is a series of databases that are maintained by Australia Post. This houses the information of households or individuals who have moved and filled out a ‘mail redirection form’. If they give their permission, their new address can be passed on to businesses. If they don’t give their permission, their records can be flagged in your database as Left Adress or Inactive Address so you can stop mailing to them and save money.

Australia Post also maintains an NCOA database of those who have been listed as deceased on the mail redirection form.

Benefits of Using NCOA
There are several reasons why a business might want to use the NCOA address update . First, it can save you money. Direct mail marketing, while effective, can be expensive. Sending a standard letter will cost you at least $1.10. Because of this, you want to be sure that everything will be arriving at the correct address.

By reducing the amount you are paying to send marketing materials, you will be able to increase your Return on Investment (ROI). This will make it easier for you to grow your business.

Secondly, moving house is a difficult process for many people. They might forget to update their details with all relevant business owners.

You can use NCOA to verify address details and automatically update your customer database. This will save your staff a lot of time, as they don’t need to worry about handling mail that has been returned to the sender. You will be able to ensure that important customer documents, like invoices, arrive at the right address.and the right person.

Thirdly, you will be able to ensure a good customer experience. You will be able to make sure that all relevant communications arrive in a timely fashion. This is especially important if you are sending items to customers. If you have the correct address information you will be able to provide a fast delivery service.

Maintaining accurate customer address information is key for all business owners. Trying to do this yourself can be a frustrating challenge,and waste the time of your staff. This is why people turn to DataWash, to help provide NCOA address update services to keep your address records up to date.

Address Validation Services

White Labelling Services

White Labelling data cleansing services is a great investment for your business. Your branding matters to the success of your business, which is why you want to use every tool to your advantage to get this done. White labelling services can be the tool that you need to make a significant difference. By reading on, you can learn more about these services and why this is a great option for your business.

Understanding White Labelling Services
White Labelling Services help businesses use their own branding so that they can offer data cleansing services without having to invest in the infrastructure to do so. If you are a Database Management Agency or a Mailing House, you can work with companies such as Datawash to provide these services. This allows you to rebrand various Datawash services like flagging and purging of Deceased Records, National Change of Address, Left Address and Telephone Append solutions so that you can use them to meet the needs of your customers. Datawash makes this process simple for you to complete by offering you integrated and bundled options to consider.

How White Labelling Services Benefit You
White Labelling Services benefit you by allowing you to offer data cleansing services to your customers without having to invest the time and money to create the infrastructure to do so. It can be a long and difficult process to develop these services on your own. It can be much simpler for you to take advantage of Datawash White Labelling Services rather than starting your own software development from scratch.

There are other benefits for both you and your customers, including:

● You are better able to keep your clients happy. You are able to quickly offer them the data cleansing solutions that they need, without having to take the time and monetary investments into creating these services for yourself.
● You can easily expand what services you offer your customers. Customers love convenience when it comes to choosing a company that they work with. By using white labelling services from Datawash, you can offer them the various services that they want/need and expand what services you can offer as a company. This makes it easier to attract and retain customers.
● You save time and money with white labelling services. As previously mentioned, it does take quite a time and monetary investment to offer these services. Businesses often well exceed any timelines and budgets when trying to develop new services like this in-house. By using white labelling services, these are not investments that you have to worry about.

These are just some of the reasons why white labelling services are a great idea to consider for your business.

Datawash is focused on ensuring that businesses like yours know all about the best tools available to them, especially when it comes to their data. Data is so important when it comes to business performance, as success depends on having the best and most accurate data available. Getting services like white labelling service can be exactly what you need to have that competitive advantage, so that you can offer stellar data cleansing solutions.

Address Validation Services

Why Your Business Needs Database Cleansing and Updating Services

Whether you have started a new business, or you have run your business for decades, you are sure to have an onslaught of data in your customer database. In the rush of everyday business, it can be difficult to keep track of the quality and validity of your customer data leading to the accumulation of wrong, incomplete and duplicate records. One of the best ways to ensure your customer data is accurate and relevant is to consider database cleaning and updating services.

What is Database Cleaning and Updating?

Data cleansing, scrubbing, and updating refers to when the information in your database is accurate and meaningful to adequately support your marketing activities and decision making. This includes removing incorrect or devoid information or data , deleting any duplicate information and updating the information with the most recent and relevant ones..

Another common form of cleaning provided by companies such as Datawash is telephone appending services. These are used to reduce excess costs associated with telemarketing calls and allow for better contact with customers. This form of cleansing allows incorrect phone numbers to be removed from your system, meaning you waste less time and money calling non-existent customers. Furthermore, you are able to prioritize active customer numbers, and therefore gain an advantage over your competition.

What are the benefits of Data and Phone Cleansing and Updating Services?

There are many advantages associated with database cleaning and updating for your business. One of the biggest benefits with these processes is costs reduction. By not needing to scour through endless sources to obtain correct information on your customers, you can easily access relevant information such as addresses and telephone numbers much faster than normal. You can also guarantee correct customer details meaning you will not risk sending notifications and mail to the wrong customers. Finally, and most importantly, you will stop wasting time and getting frustrated when key information isn’t readily available.

Where can I get Data Cleansing and Updating Services?

Database Cleaning and Updating services are crucial part of every successful business, but it is important you choose a trusted company to undergo the process. With Datawash, you are guaranteed a free data quality audit report that provides you with a snapshot of the quality of your database. Further, when giving others access to confidential and important information, trust is a key factor to consider. Datawash ensures that all your information is secured with proprietary encryption and SSL and your data is never stored in the ‘cloud’, meaning, it cannot be accessed by any other parties.Moreover, once you are content with their cleaning and updating services, your information will be automatically deleted from Datawash’s database within 7 working days or earlier if you require them to do so.

Datawash can provide businesses with a range of services involving database cleansing and updating, telephone appending, address cleaning and validation, national changes of address, left address as well us flagging individuals who passed away and are still in your customer database. If you are interested in any of their services, you can start by obtaining your first free data quality audit report today. Simply contact Datawash via their website to take the first step towards having an accurate and high-quality customer database.