telephone append

Why Your Business Should Use A Data Append Service

There is a range of tools that your business can use to grow. But one of the most valuable options might be a data appending service. This ensures that your business records are up to date, with accurate customer details. This will provide a clear understanding of your customers and run your business more efficiently. Let’s take a closer look at some of the benefits that this service can provide.

Saving You Time And Money

One of the most common mistakes a business can make is sending mail to the wrong address. With postage in Australia costing over $1 per item, this can be an expensive mistake. Furthermore, staff members will need to waste time sorting out the mail that gets returned to the sender and trying to find the right details.

Data appending services can keep track of when a customer moves house. You will be provided with their new address. If they decide not to update their new address or have passed away, you can be notified so you don’t waste money sending them mail. This is especially important if you are running a direct mail marketing campaign. By lowering your costs, you can boost your return on investment (ROI).

Improving Efficiency

For your staff to work effectively, they will need to have access to the latest customer contact information. For example, if you opt to telephone append you can find up-to-date phone numbers. This can allow marketing staff to reach out and talk to prospective clients. It also ensures that you can get in touch with customers if there is a problem with their order. By providing strong customer communication, you can create a bond and build brand loyalty. This can help you stay ahead of your competitors.

Getting Information Quickly

It won’t take long for you to update your customer records. Often, it will only require about 15 minutes. Furthermore, data appending is a cost-effective service, especially when you consider the amount of money and time you will be saving.

Fixing Mistakes In Your Records

Sometimes, a customer or staff member can accidentally put in the wrong details. In the case of a phone number, getting a single digit wrong can make a huge difference. This is where phone appending services can be so useful. You will be able to catch and correct these errors, so you always have accurate records. Furthermore, you can find if the same person is listed twice, and remove the duplicate from your files.

Re-establishing Old Customers

Sometimes, you might have lost contact with old customers when they moved home or changed their phone numbers. Thanks to data appending, you can find up-to-date information and start reconnecting with them. Often, it will be significantly easier to get an existing customer to make additional purchases than it will be to entice a new customer to try your business. This can be a very cost-effective way of growing your business.


Whether you want to build a strong marketing campaign or provide outstanding customer service, it’s vital to stay in touch with your clients. Because of this, more Australian businesses are turning to data appending services, so they can get up-to-date contact information and maintain accurate records.

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